30 years, 30 transformation stories

Committed to a mandate that’s inclusive, digital and entrepreneurial

The creation of the UOC 30 years ago can be described as a unique event, unlikely to happen again, in which a handful of extraordinary events came together: from the intellectual commitment and vision of the founding team to the political will expressed in the unanimous approval of the Parliament of Catalonia, the availability of disruptive technology, the inspiration to try a different learning model and the design of the university itself. All these elements were necessary for this institution, created by Law 3/1995, to be able to celebrate its three decades of existence today.

In this fortunate coming together of events, there is one feature that has perhaps not been sufficiently emphasized: our public mandate. This hallmark – like a distinctive birthmark – has guided us from the beginning and has set the tone for our entire history. Accordingly, we have striven to be leaders in the generation, recognition and exchange of complex and relevant knowledge; we have adapted to a changing context; we have embraced technological opportunities; and we have maintained constant lines of dialogue and collaboration with other players. In other words, the UOC has made of the public mandate its hallmark and its guide.

Àngels Fitó Rector of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Àngels Fitó

30 academic years. Our story


6 October 1994 Birth of the UOC

The world's first online university

Gabriel Ferraté

Gabriel Ferraté

Founding rector

We wanted to break down the barriers of space and time


1st doctoral programme

International programme in the Information and Knowledge Society

1st. research center

Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3)


Madrid office


International Office

Mexico City, Mexico


E-learning journal

International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (RUSC/ETHE)

Golden Seal

European Excellence for Quality Management (EFQM)


Imma Tubella

Imma Tubella


The UOC has progressed from being a major project to being a major university, a pioneer receiving wide acclaim


Golden medal

IMS Global Learning Consortium for the transformation of learning content

UOC Alumni

Graduate community


Centre for Modern Languages

Open access publications

UOC O2 repository


Josep A. Planell

Josep A. Planell


The UOC aims to continue in its role as a vector for change and progress, and to continue to play a part in transforming and connecting people, societies and ideas


Doctoral School

UOC Corporate

Learning solutions for companies


Promoting lifelong learning


Research center

eHealth Center


Institutional commitment

to the goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda

International Office

Bogotá (Colombia)


Digital district

Two new buildings in Barcelona's 22@ district


100% online

For the first time, 100% of final assessment tests are online


25 years

25 years providing lifelong learning


Institutional accreditation

We're the first Catalan university to have all our official programmes accredited

100.000 alumnis

Interdisciplinary Research and Innovation Hub


Àngels Fitó

Àngels Fitó


The UOC has made of the public mandate its hallmark and its guide


UOC Campus

The Tibidabo building closes and all activity is centralized in the Poblenou Campus


98% of courses are taught in the new learning environment


30th academic year

Offering 65 microcredentials

Short specialized training courses

Coding school

  1. Student of the Master's Degree in International Affairs and Diplomacy

  2. Student on the Bachelor's Degree in Communication

  3. Bachelor's degree in Digital Design and Creation

  4. UOC student since 1994 without interruption

  5. Gymnast. Student on the Bachelor's Degree in Psychology

  6. Researcher at the SOM Research Lab

  7. Student of the Bachelor's Degree in Tourism

  8. Student of the University Master's Degree in Employment and the Labour Market

  9. Specialist in digital education at the eLearning Innovation Center

  10. Director of the University Master's Degree in education and ICT (E-learning)

More than 120,000 people from more than 150 contries have graduated in the UOC during these thirty years

These are people who have decided to study to get ahead in their careers, to reinvent themselves or simply to grow as people, and they have often been drivers of change in their surroundings.

In addition to gaining knowledge, students at the UOC also acquire skills: learning by doing, self-organization, efficient time management and developing a critical and entrepreneurial vision. In other words, becoming aware of what it means to be a global citizen.

Thirty years have passed since we started on the path of rethinking how technology could become the best ally for a meaningful and relevant learning model. Over the course of these years, we have innovated and supported our students in their personal and professional growth.

Our history fuels our ambition to continue as a leading pioneer of lifelong learning in an inclusive, digital and entrepreneurial society.

Constel·lacions, sheets created by the artistic collective Playmodes on the occasion of graduation ceremonies of the UOC's 30th anniversary

Find out more

Creation of OpenEU, an alliance coordinated by the UOC and supported by the European Commission to establish the Open European University

The creation of OpenEU was based on one of the main strengths of online universities: the ability to provide a learning environment for diverse students who pursue lifelong learning and find digital education to be more flexible and equitable. Its aim is to address three challenges facing the European Higher Education Area (EHEA): the digital transformation of universities, the achievement of more equitable and inclusive higher education, and the need to provide lifelong learning opportunities for everyone.

The alliance, which is coordinated by the UOC, brings together 14 universities and 13 academic, business, rural and municipal associations and non-profit organizations from all over Europe to create a European open university that leads to a stronger European Higher Education Area.

Go to the OpenEU website

A pioneering educational model with students at the centre

The UOC's pioneering educational model makes its students the centre of everything and has been evolving over the course of 30 years to respond to emerging needs and adapt to new social and technological contexts. Providing a memorable learning experience is the definitive purpose of this model.

Programmes offered by the UOC are delivered through its seven faculties, each of which covers different areas of study.

Creating opportunities, a UOC insignia

By making students the focal point, we empower them to make decisions about their futures and careers that open up new opportunities for:

  • Learning, for the long term
  • Self-knowledge, for employability
  • Understanding of their environment, for competitiveness
  • Certification, with macro and microcredentials
  • Building their digital identity

Comprehendive teaching support

  • Various teaching figures
  • Personalized
  • Flexible
  • Asynchronous, with key moments synchronous
  • Networked

Selected learning resources

  • Digital
  • Multi-format
  • Accessible
  • Interactive
  • Multimedia
  • Global
  • Adaptable
  • For active learning

Assessment of and for learning

  • Formative
  • Digital
  • Providing certification
  • Authentic and competency-based
  • Inclusive and ethical
  • Integrating AI

Dynamic and collaborative environment

  • Technological ecosystem geared for learning
  • More than an online classroom
  • Ubiquitous
  • Based on evidence and research
  • Innovative

For an open professional life

Study at the UOC

This academic year we're launching microcredentials

Micro-credentials, certifications that validate the learning results obtained in short-term training experiences, have been launched this year. They enable the development of key skills with the aim of improving employability, training or upgrading in future professional profiles (reskilling and upskilling), or acquiring skills in relation to current and future societal challenges .

Starting out

Bachelor's degree

Advanced-level vocational training

University course

Open course

Profession-focused specialization

Profession-focused course


Coding school

UOC Skills Lab

Language course



University master's

Lifelong learning master's degree

Specialization diploma

Expert diploma

Postgraduate course

Doctoral programme

Provisional figures for the 2024/2025 academic year.

  1. Alumni. Bachelor's Degree in Law

  2. Co-founder of the spin-off Smart Classroom

  3. Coordinates the Global Literary Studies research group

  4. Alumni of the University Master's Degree in Sustainable Tourism and ICT

  5. CEO and co-founder of Aimentia

  6. Director of the International Associaton of Universities cluster for SDG

  7. Course instructor in the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences

  8. Alumni, tutor and mentorof the TechnovationGirls Catalonia

  9. Student of the Bachelor's Degree in Anthropology and Human Evolution, and volunteer

  10. Alumni, tutor and student on the doctoral programme in Education and ICT (E-learning)

What do we research?

  1. Education of the futureEducating and empowering people for contemporary challenges. Generating opportunities for change and improve people's lives.
  2. Culture for a critical societyGenerating narratives and imagery that help develop a world that is fairer and more sustainable, diverse and pluralistic.
  3. Social transition and sustainabilityContributing to new social, environmental, economic and political dynamics arising from emerging scenarios.
  4. Ethical and human-centred technologyCreating new organizational and technological models in service of people, enabling critical contributions to technological transformation.
  5. Planetary health and well-beingPromoting planetary health through the use of technology to make society fairer, more inclusive and more democratic.

How do we do research?

We focus on interdisciplinary projects in human and social sciences, education, health and technology. We are committed to open knowledge, interdisciplinarity and networked cooperation, promoting research into technology and the use of ICTs to bring about transformations in education and social equality.

Interdisciplinary research and innovation HUB


  • +50Research groups
  • 1Doctoral School
  • +500Researchers
  • 8UOC Labs
  • 319Doctoral theses read
  • 26.7M€ Funding for ongoing projects

Knowledge transfer

  • 30Patents
  • 3Spin-offs
  • 32Industrial doctorates
  • +8M€ Income from university-company contracts (since 2010)

Figures from the academic year 2023/2024

  1. Senior researcher in the Gender an ICT group

  2. Resident artist of the Science, Technology and the Arts programme

  3. Student of the University Master's Degree in Corporate Communication, Protocol and Events

  4. Anesthesiologist at Bellvitge University Hospital. Alumni of the Master's Degree in promoter of El Meu Quiròfan

  5. Director of the Master's Degree in Video Game Design and Development and researcher

  6. Alumni. Co-founder of Steam4all

  7. IT talen acquisition leader a NTT Data Europe & Latam

  8. Director of the Teatre Principal de Palma. Member of the Alumni Council

  9. Urban planner, teacher and researcher. Director of the University Master's Degree in Cities and Urbanism

  10. Alumni. World vicepresident of the Junior Chamber International

A UOC more closely connected to its surroundings

We're in constant contact and working together with the other agents of change: we believe that, through alliances and the community, we can consolidate our systemic proposal while promoting the principles of equity and inclusion.

Transformative communities to take on social challenges:
  • Shared political agendas and sway
  • Complementing the system
  • Regional integration and impact
  • Knowledge transfer and co-creation
Alliances, Community and Equity
Social engagement and volunteering
Community participation and links
Cooperation and development
Internacional scope
Digital scope
Territorial scope
Local and global impact
Innovation in education
Professional certification
Dual programmes
Skills training with partner organizations
Vocational training
Consulting and advisory services
Internal policies that are university-wide and coherent
Inclusive teaching
Detecting, preventing and handling cases of violence and discrimination
Organizational culture
Access to university

What people have said